Продвинутый Git и создание псевдонимов git
git config --global alias.ac "commit -am"
# git commit -am "testing" //add and commit the code
git ac "testing" //do the same
git commit --amend -m "nice" // will amend the latest commit msg
git log --graph --onlinbe --decorate // will show the commit log in nice way
git bisect start
git bisect bad // find teh healthy branch and work from there
git squash
// technique to reset your local master/feature as smae as//
//the remote main
1.git fetch origin // you fetch the latest
2.git reset --hard origin/master // you reset you local as the remote
//and your , also notice that your changes will be lost
3.git clean -df //to clean untraclked files, artifact and such things
//if you switch out of a branch and want to gon back to it but you forgot its name
// just use the below command to switch back to it
git checkout -
// commit patch on the file/ part of all the changes of that file
git add -p file_name // then git will walk you through
//if you are on github and want to make changes on the repo
1. gott you the repo yiu want to work on
2. on you kepboard, click '.' and a new window of your browser will open with vs code
// checkout this toturial
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uszj_k0DGsg